After Ramses 2 death the Egyptians felt like they were the most POWERFUL civilizations in the universe! Sense Ramses 2 built many statues and temples they enjoyed the comfortable lifestyle, and that the cities were filled with beautiful temples and structures! They thought it glorified the gods and the land! Now sense Ramses 2 died he had many wives and children. He had more than 100 CHILDREN! WOW there must have been a lot of fighting going on! I wouldn't want that many children!! Now would you think that they wouldn't fight over who got passed down the throne? WRONG they probably did! Ramses and his wife Nefertari (which means beautiful companion) already had a discussion of who would get the throne. The son who took the throne was Merneptah. Would you be mad if you didnt get the throne?
Wow over 100 kids, how did he do it, and just saying that is just plain nasty.