Ramses 2 is mostly know for being a Pharaoh and leading 20,000 soldiers against the Hittites. WOW he must have been a very powerful man! After he fought against the Hittites everyone thought that he was unbounded, had energy and strength. Maybe that's why he was so popular back in his time? Everyone also remembered him by his GREAT extensive building! Ramses was one of the 1st pharaohs to build many statues, towns, and even temples. There is one statue that he built at Abu Simbel that is measured to be 65 feet in height! That is a big statue! Ramses built many statues because, he wanted to promote his image as a God-King. Now I understand why everyone rememberd and loved Ramses 2!
Wow isn't being a pharoah great. Yea but seriously i would love to build a temple.