Sunday, November 21, 2010


As you may know Ramses 2 built many statues and monuments.Ramses 2 wanted to build many statues/monuments because, he wanted to promote his image as a God-King!  He built a new home and town in Avaris. He built another town in Per-Atum.Ramses 2 had such a BIG family he probably had to build a new town just for them !! Ramses 2 built many temples in the province of Nubia. He built the temples on the side of the cliff of Abu Simbel. Ramses 2 built many statues and monuments at Abu Simbel. All the different things he had built there was War chariots, Waiheng/Dreamstime, first wives temple, temples, and the Cascoly Software. One of his most famous statue is the Waiheng/Dreamstime was four of his identical statues of Ramses 2. This statue was from 1279-1213 B.C.E. at Abu Simbel measured to be 65 feet in height!! I feel bad for the people who had to build those monuments and statues!! One of the temples at Abu Simbel was of Ramses 2 depicting the Egyptian Pharoah smiting his enemies. Now if you were king/queen would you want to build many statues and monuments??

What a WONDERFUL Life!!!

Ramses 2 had a nice life when he was a Pharaoh. He reigned over Egypt for 67 years!!!  That's a long time!  He was the Third Egyptian king of the Nineteenth Dynasty. That must be really important for his people he reigned over. Ramses 2 was born ca. 1300 to Seti. He took the throne name Usermaatre Seteprence which means " The Justice of Re is Powerful, Chosen of Re. Ramses was mostly known as Ramses The Great for his great popularity. When Ramses was 10 years old he became captain of the Egyptian Army. I wish I was a captain when I was 10 years old!Ramses 2 built more monuments and statues than any other pharaoh. One of Ramses 2 most famous statues is the Waiheng/Dreamstime was 4 of the identical statues of Ramses 2. His first wife was Nefertan  (means Beautiful Companion). When she ended up dieing he built a temple for her at Abu Simbel but, it was much smaller than his.Yet, if I was his FIRST wife I would want a BIG temple!! Ramses 2 battled against army's. For instance he battled against the Hittite's until he wanted to stop battling and wanted to worry about more important things. He also battled against the Kadesh. Ramses died in 1213 B.C. When they found him in his tomb they said that he has very long narrow face, a long and thin hooked nose, and a strong jaw. His gray hair has dried red and science dedicates he may have been a natural red head in his younger years. So, what do you think about Ramses 2 life???

Thursday, November 18, 2010


After Ramses 2 death the Egyptians felt like they were the most POWERFUL civilizations in the universe! Sense Ramses 2 built many statues and temples they enjoyed the comfortable lifestyle, and that the cities were filled with beautiful temples and structures! They thought it glorified the gods and the land! Now sense Ramses 2 died he had many wives and children. He had more than 100 CHILDREN! WOW there must have been a lot of fighting going on! I wouldn't want that many children!! Now would you think that they wouldn't fight over who got passed down the throne? WRONG they probably did! Ramses and his wife Nefertari (which means beautiful companion) already had a discussion of who would get the throne. The son who took the throne was Merneptah. Would you be mad if you didnt get the throne?

Ohhh The Beautiful Pyramids!! :D

Would you want a pyramid if you died? Obviously Ramses 2 wanted to have some! Ramses 2 had many step pyramids built. For instance he built them for himself and wives. I would feel bad for the people who had to build them! Yet, Ramses 2 was very different from the other pharoahs when it came to building pyramids or anything else! Ramses 2 wanted his pyramids to be more complex. He used BOLD and brilliant colors. Ramses also had many chambers and mazes in his pyramids. Hopefully if you were looking for his tomb you wouldnt get lost!! Ramses's was buried in the Valley of Kings. To bad for Ramses 2 though his body was removed to the tomb of the high priest Pinudiem 2! Ramses 2 was probably looking forward to not being found! From this information would you want a pyramid built for your death and if you did would you want it to be more complex like Ramses 2?!?

Exactly What is Ramses Known For?

Ramses 2 is mostly know for being a Pharaoh and leading 20,000 soldiers against the Hittites. WOW he must have been a very powerful man! After he fought against the Hittites everyone thought that he was unbounded, had energy and strength. Maybe that's why he was so popular back in his time? Everyone also remembered him by his GREAT extensive building! Ramses was one of the 1st pharaohs to build many statues, towns, and even temples. There is one statue that he built at Abu Simbel that is measured to be 65 feet in height! That is a big statue! Ramses built many statues because, he wanted to promote his image as a God-King. Now I understand why everyone rememberd and loved Ramses 2!